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Server Management

We realize the need for your servers to be running 100% of the time as well as being updated with the most current software. It is our job to manage your servers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Managing servers can be a difficult and time consuming task, even for the most experienced technician. In addition, not everyone is capable of fixing and monitoring their servers all hours of the day. We're here to take that responsibility off your shoulders.

We have highly trained experienced technicians available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

We support any Dedicated Server or VPS running a Linux OS and cPanel

If your server is running a different OS or Control Panel, please contact our Sales department prior to ordering. Deciding which server management provider is best for you is definitely not easy. Before choosing a server management provider, you should know the FACTS in black and white, not just the colorful promises.


  • 24x7x365 (5 minute interval) Server Monitoring with Reboot
  • If your server is down, we will follow your instructions to reboot it by either contacting data center or accessing reboot port.
  • Our response time on reboots is Guaranteed within 15 minutes!

  • Monitoring Stats
  • Access your monitoring stats online, in addition to our weekly uptime reports e-mailed to you!

  • Within 6 Hour Response Time Guarantee for Support Tickets
  • Statistically, most tickets are responded to in less than 1 hour.

  • Within 24 Hour Resolution Time Guarantee for Support Tickets
  • Statistically, most tickets are completely resolved in less than 3 hours.

  • Unlimited Admin Work Time
  • We do not limit the amount of work we do for you, and we do not have any additional fees!

  • Backend Server Software Support and Upgrades
  • Kernel, Apache (ver 1, 2, 2.2.x), PHP (ver 4.x & 5.x), Mysql (ver 4.0, 4.1, 5.0), Perl, Exim, FTP, WHM/CPanel, etc...

  • System Security, Optimization and Hardening
  • Performed upon your request as often as you would like. We have a comprehensive list of security software we install and support listed below. If you have any special security requirements, please contact us.

  • Initial Server Setup
  • If you have a new server, we'll setup and configure the server completely from scratch to get the server ready for your use!

  • WHM/CPanel Technical Issues
  • System updates, debugging errors, patching bugs, system compatibility checks.

  • Server Backup Restoration
  • If your server requires a restore, we'll restore all of your backups returning your server back to normal.

  • Disaster Recovery & Hack Recovery
  • If your server is crashed or hacked, we will determine the cause and rebuild your system from backups.

  • Server Migration
  • If you are moving accounts from one server to another, we will migrate them for you from the old server to the new server. You must have root access and CPanel running on both the old server as well as the new server.

  • 3rd Party Software Installation
  • Fantastico, RVSkin, CpanelPro, CpanelXp, ClamAV, Mailscanner, URCHIN, ZendOptimizer, Ioncube, GD, Curl, Freetype, Eaccelerator, Ruby on Rails, ImageMagick, Perl modules, etc...

  • CHKRootKit - a simple program that detects hacker software and notifies you if any has been detected via email
  • RootKit Hunter - scanning tool to ensure your system does not have any backdoors or exploits
  • Securing and Upgrading of SSH Server - increases security during ssh connections
  • APF or CSF Firewall - most commonly used policy based iptables firewall (APF will be installed by default unless CSF is requested)
  • Anti-DoS configuration for APF Firewall - helps mitigate denial of service type attacks
  • Brute Force Detection - notifies you of numerous login authentication failures and automatically blocks the attackers ip in the firewall
  • Log Analysis Software Installation - Emails are dispatched daily, the amount of detail in the emails can be changed on request
  • System Integrity Monitor - 24x7 Internal Monitor that checks all services and restarts them if they are down
  • SPRI - changes the priority of different processes in accordance to level of importance, hence increasing server performance
  • Secure and Optimize Apache (HTTP) - tweaks apache to perform better, and prevent unnecessary information from being easily seen
  • MySQL optimization - increases performance of MySQL
  • host.conf hardenening - prevent dns lookup poisoning & spoofing protection
  • nsswitch.conf modification - secure and optimize DNS lookups
  • sysctl.conf hardening - helps prevent TCP/IP stack from syn-flood attacks and other network abuses
  • FTP Hardening - upgrade and secure your ftp software
  • Removal of unused software - prevents exploits and wasted resources
  • Removal of old logs - regain wasted space by deleting old archived logs
  • Shell Fork Bomb/Memory Hog Protection - prevents a user logged into a shell from consuming all the resources on the server
  • Root Logger - logs and emails you everytime someone accesses root with the timestamp and their ip address
  • MyTOP - tool for monitoring MySQL threads and processes
  • MultiTail - view multiple log files simultaneously
  • TMP Directory hardening ( /tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm) - helps prevents execution of malicious scripts
  • Password Scanner - scans for easy to guess and common passwords
  • Filemanager - allows you to edit system files through WHM in case SSH is inaccessible
  • Firewall Admin - allows you to edit firewall allow & deny list and config through WHM
  • Mod_Security - protects against common url based hack injections (installed upon specific request only)
  • Mod_Evasive - defends http based attacks (installed upon specific request only)
  • PHP Tightening - tweaks php to run in a safer and restricted evironment (installed upon specific request only) and many more....
